The kindergarten through fifth grade classes (including preparation for First Communion) meet Sunday mornings before Mass, 9:15-10:15. Volunteer positions in this ministry include Catechist, Catechist Aide, Substitute, Office Help, etc. A Safe Environment Class and criminal background checks are required. Open to adults and youth above 7th Grade.
VBS is a week-long program of religious education for children in Kindergarten through 6th Grade which is held on the campus of Holy Disciples each summer. The multitude of volunteer opportunities include Catechist, Aide, Music, Crafts, Snacks, etc. A Safe Environment Class and criminal background checks are required. Open to adults and youth above 7th Grade.
This Ministry Team assists the Pastor in preparing our high school students for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. The classes are scheduled on selected Sunday afternoons at Holy Disciples. Training is provided and a criminal background check is required. Open to adults who have celebrated Confirmation.
The RCIA is the year-around process of welcoming individuals into the sacramental life of the Church. Volunteers serve either as a member of the RCIA Team or as a sponsor assigned to a particular catechumen or candidate. The group meets weekly at Holy Disciples on Tuesday evenings for a two hour session and for “Breaking Open the Word” during a weekend Mass. A criminal background check is required. Open to adults only.
Under the direction of the Parish Youth Ministers, these two Youth Ministry Teams (one for Jr Hi, one for Sr Hi) create exciting opportunities for youth to grow in their faith while having fun and building community. Each Youth Group meets after Sunday morning Mass almost every week of the school year and two or three times a year for weekend events. Adult volunteers serve as facilitators, role models, and chaperones. A criminal background check is required. Open to adults.
Provides opportunities to study and share of our Catholic Faith in small groups. Volunteers use approved materials to facilitate the weekly gatherings. Guidance and support provided. Open to adults.
229 Antonie Ave N,
Eatonville, WA 98328
9:00am - Noon
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Friday - 9:00am - 4:00pm