Find out who is "in charge" by looking at our list of Parish Leadership
Please contact us if you would like to be a part of any of these ministries
These “Linen Warriors” launder and iron the purificators, altar cloths, corporals, towels, etc. used during Mass. This is a ministry that can be done at home and on your own schedule.
Servers assist the priest during Mass. Training is provided. Open to children ten years and above who have received their First Communion.
Under the direction of an adult volunteer, experienced servers provide instruction and helpful hints to young candidates for the Altar Server Ministry.
Your work in this ministry will enhance the prayerful environment of the church by providing for banners (design and sewing), table coverings, floral arrangements and other decorations appropriate for the celebration and liturgical season.
The Eucharistic Minister assists with the distribution of Communion at Sunday Mass. Open to men and women who are 16 years or older who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation (or are active participants in the Confirmation preparation program). Typically, a Eucharistic Minister serves at Sunday Mass twice each month. Training is provided.
The lector proclaims the scripture readings and announces the intentions of the General Intercessions. Open to men and women who are 16 years or older who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation (or are active participants in the Confirmation preparation program). Lectors currently are scheduled to read once a month. Training is provided.
Working from lists obtained during the Stewardship Pledge Drive and similar sources, this volunteer creates and publishes a quarterly schedule and assists the various volunteer ministers with problem solving when scheduling conflicts arise.
The opportunities for men, women and mature youth who desire to assist the liturgical assembly in song are numerous. Singers, cantors, and instrumentalists are needed for Sunday Masses, weddings, funerals, penance services and the like. Participation in rehearsals is a requirement.
The sacristan prepares the sacred vessels, vestments, and altar for Mass, and cleans up afterward. The time commitment is 20—25 minutes once or twice a month. Training is provided.
The usher is a valued participant in our Welcoming Ministry, greeting people with a smile as they enter church. An usher also assists in seating visitors and newcomers; tends to people with special needs; passes the collection baskets; distributes bulletins, and helps straighten books and remove clutter after Mass. Open to men, women, and mature youth. Training is provided.
229 Antonie Ave N,
Eatonville, WA 98328
9:00am - Noon
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Friday - 9:00am - 4:00pm