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    List of Services

      Welcome to Our Lady of Good Counsel!

      ....and his mother kept all these things in her heart. (Luke 2:51)

      2024 Daily Mass Schedule for Parish Family #39



      9:00AM          Holy Disciples

      9:00AM          Our Lady Queen of Heaven

      9:30AM          SS Cosmas & Damian

      6:00PM           Our Lady of Good Counsel




      9:00AM          Holy Disciples

      9:00AM          Our Lady Queen of Heaven



      9:00AM          Holy Disciples

      9:00AM          Our Lady Queen of Heaven

      9:30AM          SS Cosmas & Damian

      Mass Schedule



      4pm Vigil

      (No Mass on Sunday)


      Call for an appointment


      Letter from Archbishop Etienne:

      +July 1, 2024

      Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

      Peace be with you!

      Today marks a milestone in the history of the Archdiocese of Seattle as we begin the implementation phase of our Partners in the Gospel strategic pastoral planning effort. This effort was designed to reorganize the structure of our parishes so that we can make more effective use of our resources — the people, the infrastructure, the finances, and more — to better achieve our Catholic mission. Imagine a Catholic Church that is thriving, welcoming young people, reaching out to those on the margins, caring for our environment and coming together as God’s people for faith-filled worship centered on the celebration of the Eucharist. That is the vision of our local Church. 

      I’ve traveled around the Archdiocese of Seattle these past five years, and many people ask about the mission of the Church, which is truly at the heart of this effort. As Catholics, our mission is to help people encounter Jesus Christ, to accompany others on this journey of faith and to witness the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Giving priority to Christ, growing in intimacy and association with Christ, we become his disciples. In baptism, Christ shares his life and mission with us. The end goal of Partners in the Gospel is to live our faith and continue Christ’s mission in the world. This is why the Catholic Church exists around the world and why we have embarked on Partners in the Gospel here in Western Washington. 

      As Pope Francis said, we must recognize the signs of the times and adjust. We no longer live in a time when people walk to Mass. We no longer live in a time when the local parish is the hub of all community gatherings. Seminaries are no longer bursting at the seams producing large ordination classes each year. While we have many thriving parishes and highly engaged communities, we’ve also seen a slow decline in all aspects of parish life, including many of our youth falling away from the practice of faith and families are not attending Mass like they once did. 

      As I’ve mentioned before, the status quo is not going to set the world on fire with the love of Jesus Christ. We need to be brave. We need to be bold. We need to take action — but not on our own. Everything we do has to be rooted in the Lord Jesus, guided by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and in fulfillment of the Father’s will. 

      We’ve focused on Partners in the Gospel planning for two years, with the past year and a half in consultation with you. Your participation was crucial to this effort, and again I thank you for your sincere insights and thoughtful advice. Because of your feedback, and the feedback of many throughout the archdiocese, we made many adjustments to the parish families. The parish families that are starting today reflect that feedback, which I believe put us on the best path forward — a path that was forged by consultation, prayer and discernment. 

      And, we must continue to listen. Listening these days is very challenging as we are bombarded with information, caught in a tug-of-war for our attention and swept up in the whirlwind of day-to-day life. Despite this, we must make time to prayerfully listen to each other, and together, to where the Holy Spirit is calling us. We must make time for silence, reflecting upon the Word of God. Developing our own personal relationship with Jesus Christ is a cornerstone of this effort. Without a lively and ongoing personal relationship with him, how can we lead others to him? 

      Listening also involves expanding the number of people involved in parish life and decision-making processes. We are living in the age of the laity. This is the time to recognize the many gifts of the Holy Spirit present in each member of the Church and to call forth and empower each member to use those gifts for building up the Body of Christ, the Church. 

      The life of the Church is to always reflect the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ. Like the death and resurrection of our Lord, Partners in the Gospel, and our new parish families, represent a dying and rising that can bring great hope for a better future as we root ourselves ever more fully in the life of the Risen Lord. 

      Brothers and sisters, it is a privilege to be embarking with you this new chapter in the Archdiocese of Seattle. This chapter is full of hope and the possibility of great creativity. It will be a time for navigating new beginnings and for welcoming our brothers and sisters into a new way of being Church. There is no “my parish and your parish,” but instead “our parish family.” This is a time for us to embrace our call to co-responsibility and to care for the Church we love. Together we can take real action and build our future as the Catholic Church here in Western Washington. 

      Thank you for participating in this historic, mission-focused effort of Partners in the Gospel. Please continue to pray that the seeds we plant today grow into a strong faith-filled future for the people of God in the Archdiocese of Seattle. Please be assured of my continued prayers for you, and I ask you to please pray for me. As always, I remain,

      In the heart of Christ,

      Most Rev. Paul D. Etienne, DD, STL

      Archbishop of Seattle

      Family 39 Update

      Letter from Fr Woody McCallister

      Dear new friends in Parish Family #39,

      Hi there! My name is Woody McCallister, and I am excited to join you as the new pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Holy Disciples, Ss. Cosmas and Damien, and Our Lady Queen of Heaven this July. (Parishes named in the order I found them on the map.) In some ways, this will be a homecoming for me, because I already have little bits of “history” with your communities. (1) In 1991, when I was newly ordained and still had training wheels on, I was sent to work with Fr. Tom Belleque at St. Andrew AND Ss. Cosmas and Damien for my first three years. MANY times, the Wednesday morning Mass and group Scripture study over coffee and usually-homemade pastries was the highlight of my week. (2) I spent 12 years as pastor of All Saints in Puyallup, and developed a close friendship with Fr. Paul Dalton at Holy Disciples/Our Lady of Good Counsel while I was there. We had a little competition going, taking turns each Friday hosting one another for dinner, trying to outdo each other in the kitchen. I am also friends with Gary Southerton, your founding pastor, and Fr. Matthew O’Leary, of recent happy memory. There are lots of additional connections, which we can explore together over the next several years. (3) Although I’ve only visited Our Lady Queen of Heaven a few times, I am proud to share that I was the one who talked one of your favorite youth ministers, Chad Hill, into going to seminary and becoming one of our finest young priests. (4) I have a fondness for the mountain, so I’m looking forward to having easy access on my time off. Being close to JBLM also brings me joy, since I come from an Army family, and am at home in the culture.

      I’m trying to keep this letter short. We’ll have plenty of time to get acquainted soon enough. Soon, you will also be served by Frs. Navy and Vijay, from the diocese of Nellore in eastern India. I can’t tell you very much about them, since I don’t know them myself, but my past experience of priests from India leads me to believe that they will be a faithful, joy-filled, hard-working presence in our midst. Some of you may be wondering what my “vision” for the parish(es) is. Full disclosure: I don’t HAVE a vision for all y’all yet. That’s because I don’t really know you. My pastoral style is NOT to come in with a ready-made vision, asking you all to get on board. Rather, I prefer to get to know you, after which WE will figure out OUR shared vision TOGETHER. The only real agenda for Year One will be (1) to keep the “good stuff” going, and (2) to come to know each other – not just people getting to know priests, but even more important, people of these 4 communities getting to know each other.

      For now, I need to focus most of my time and energy on wrapping things up and saying quality good-byes to my people at Immaculate Conception Parish and St. Therese Parish (both in Seattle.) These next few years will be challenging, interesting, faith building, and, I hope, an awful lot of fun!
      Peace, with love,
      (Fr.) Woody

      The official pastoral changes for our family were announced this past weekend which will go into effect on July 1, 2024.

      Family 39 is Holy Disciples, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Our Lady Queen of Heaven and Ss. Cosmas & Damian

      Rev. Richard K. "Woody" McCallister, appointed Pastor for parish family 39

      Rev. Vijaya "Bhaskar" Chappidi, appointed Parochial Vicar for parish family 39

      Rev. Navykumar "Navy" Thomas, appointed Parochial Vicar for parish family 39

      Please read Archbishop Etienne's letter dated April 8, 2024







      Last month, the final parish families were announced across the archdiocese, and this month all pastors and key parish leadership attended in-person regional trainings focused on the next phases of the Partners in the Gospel journey. They learned about the key activities that should take place in each phase of the process. 

      Go to for more information.

      Click Here - March 2024 Update

      Where Are We Now?

      In November, the Archdiocese of Seattle announced they received more than 700 input session reports resulting in more than 3,000 pages of input.  The synthesized reports were used by the Oversight Committee, the Presbyteral Council and the Partners in the Gospel team to inform the next draft of proposed parish families.  Of 61 proposed parish families, 25 were recommended for changes based on this recent consultation resulting in changes to 25 draft parish families.  Holy Disciples and Our Lady of Good Counsel were a part of this change, with the addition of Sts. Cosmas & Damian in Orting.  There was a second round of consultation with staff and parishioners with these 25 proposed parish families. 

      A final recommendation will be submitted to Archbishop Etienne at the end of the year and the final parish families are expected to be announced in early 2024.

      In the Spring of 2022, Our Lady of Good Counsel and Holy Disciples conducted synod sessions with many of our parishioners. During these sessions, we gathered feedback on areas for improvement and growth of our parishes. Please check the websites for updates on our progress towards addressing these thoughtful suggestions.

      Synod participants clearly indicated that parish gatherings and events outside of mass were very important to community building and sustainment. Here are some recent events!

      Our Lady of Good Counsel Octoberfest & Auction raised $2,000!

      Celebration for Tom O'Brien-Wilson's retirement and Farewell to Father Matthew

      Our Lady of Good Counsel and Holy Disciples teens hosted a pie and coffee gathering for over 50 military veterans

      In December, our parishes hosted a Holiday Celebration at Holy Disciples with a potluck lunch and performances by our children and TAPROOT Theatre group

      What is the latest with the Synod?

      Pope Francis has extended the Synod on Synodality through 2024. Bishops will meet in Rome in both October of 2023 and October of 2024. Pope Francis’ decision reflects his desire that the church to discern the theme of synodality over a longer period. Also for the synod to be thought of as a process where (only by the grace of the Holy Spirit) the People of God walk together toward the Lord’s will for His Church. Certainly, the prayerful dialogue of the diocesan phase has created some energy, excitement, and shared vision of a Church that journeys together.

      Read about our process and final combined summary report submitted to Archbishop Paul Etienne at the Chancery on May 6, 2022. 

      A hard copy with all documents is available in the parish for review

      As of June 3rd, Holy Disciples is no longer livestreaming Sunday Mass.

      Please click here  for the link to the Saint James Cathedral Livestream option.

      Link to this week's Financial Report



      We are a sister parish to Holy Disciples in Puyallup. Click here to visit their website

      You can also visit HOLY DISCIPLES ON FACEBOOK

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